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of the
Club of Agricultural Diplomats in Germany
Section 1 Name and registered office
The name of the Association is “Club der Agrardiplomaten” (Club of Agricultural Diplomats).
The Association has its registered office in Berlin, Germany.
Section 2 Objectives
The Association directly and exclusively serves public-benefit purposes as set out in the section “Tax-privileged purposes” of the German Fiscal Code (Abgabenordnung).
The objectives of the Association are to provide a platform for the informal exchange of information and expertise among accredited diplomats in Germany who are responsible for agriculture and food matters and their employees, and for discussion with contacts who are important for their work. The Association strives at all times to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and respect among the different countries. It aims to create a broad basis for positive and fruitful cooperation.
To achieve these objectives, the Association organises events to promote and facilitate a shared exchange of ideas with stakeholders including policymakers, ministries, the research community and/or agricultural associations.
Section 3 Assets of the Association
The Association is altruistic in nature and does not primarily serve its own economic purposes. The funds of the Association may be used only for the objectives set out in the Statutes. Members receive no allocations from the funds of the Association. The Association may not provide a benefit for any person by means of expenditure unrelated to the objectives of the Association or disproportionately high remuneration. The payment to the members of the Board of Directors of lump-sum remuneration for work or time (remuneration for activities) is permitted; however, remuneration must not be disproportionately high.
The Association’s financial year is the calendar year.
Section 4 Members
Any accredited diplomat or employee of an embassy in Germany whose portfolio includes agriculture or related business areas may become a member of the Association. The Board of Directors makes the decision on admitting new members based on written applications.
Members may withdraw from the Association at any time by notifying any member of the Board of Directors in writing that they are doing so.
A member may be expelled from the Association if they are found to have deliberately and seriously damaged the interests of the Association. The decision to expel a member is made by the General Meeting. A majority of three-quarters of the votes cast is required for the expulsion to become effective.
The General Meeting decides on membership fees to be paid.
Section 5 General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting is held once per year. Extraordinary General Meetings are held when this is necessary in the interests of the Association, or when a minimum of one-fifth of the members request such a meeting in writing to a member of the Board of Directors; the members requesting such a meeting must state the reasons for their request.
The General Meeting is called by the Chairperson or, if the Chairperson is unable to do so, by one of the Deputy Chairpersons, by issuing written invitations to the most recent address available to the Board of Directors for each member. The agenda set by the Board of Directors is to be sent with the invitation. The minimum period of notice for calling a General Meeting is two weeks.
The General Meeting is chaired by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors or, if the Chairperson cannot attend, by one of the Deputy Chairpersons. If the Deputy Chairpersons are also unable to attend, the General Meeting appoints a chairperson for the meeting in question. The meeting chairperson appoints a secretary to take minutes for each meeting.
The agenda agreed by the Board of Directors can be amended and agenda items added by a decision of the General Meeting.
Decisions on proposals for resolution to the General Meeting are made by a majority of valid votes cast. A majority of three-quarters of the valid votes cast is required to expel members and to amend the Statutes; a majority of nine-tenths of the valid votes cast is required to change the objectives of the Association or to dissolve the Association.
Votes are cast by raising a hand. Votes must be cast in writing if, in the case of elections, one member requests this or, in the case of other decisions, a minimum of one-third of members present request this. Abstentions from voting are considered to be votes not cast.
Resolutions are to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting, including the place and time of the meeting and the results of votes taken; these minutes are to be signed by the meeting chair and the meeting secretary.
Section 6 Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of the Chairperson of the Association and two Deputy Chairpersons. Each member of the Board of Directors is individually authorised to represent the Association.
The following applies in regard to their internal relationship: The Deputy Chairpersons may only act as Chairperson when the Chairperson is unable to do so.
The Board of Directors is elected by the General Meeting for the term of two years; the members of the Board of Directors retain their mandates after this period until they are re-elected or new members are elected. In the same way, the General Meeting elects a treasurer who is also a Deputy Chairperson. The Treasurer must be given account authorisation.
Section 7 Dissolution
If the Association is dissolved or liquidated, or if the tax-privileged objectives of the Association cease to exist, the Association’s assets will be passed on to the Berliner Tafel food bank association, which must use the assets directly and exclusively for public-benefit purposes.
Section 8 Entry into force
These Statutes entered into force following the decision by the founding meeting of the Association on 11 December 2018.